For family and friends of our clients
Contacting your attorney or other people in our office
We do our best to keep in touch with our clients and their families. However, we cannot always take calls right when they come in or return calls immediately. Please understand that. We will get back to callers as soon as we can. The contact information for the attorney representing your family member or friend is in our Contact Us section, found here.
Information about the federal court system
The Office of the Federal Public Defender for the District of Vermont represents people who are facing criminal charges in federal court and who are unable to afford a lawyer to represent them. See below for a brochure about the federal court process.
How you can help your family member or friend
To help our client, your family member or friend, we might ask you to write a Letter of Support. This is something that we can use to tell the judge about our client. We often submit Letters of Support to the judge, along with a Sentencing Memorandum. Instructions about how to write a Letter of Support can be found here.
Helpful Links
- Family and Friends of a Person Incarcerated in a Vermont Correctional Facility
- Vermont Jail Offender Locator
- Criminal Debt Payments:
- Federal Court Calendar
Some Things You Should Know
Do not talk to anyone about your case without first discussing the matter with your attorney.
The Office of the Federal Public Defender for the District of Vermont represents people who are facing criminal charges in federal court and who are unable to afford a lawyer. The expenses of this office and your attorney's salary are paid by the federal courts. Your attorney's loyalty, however, is to you and you alone.
The attorney who is assigned to your case is experienced in defending people charged with federal crimes. Your attorney will defend you to the fullest extent of the law.
You have certain rights regarding being represented by the Federal Public Defender Office. These rights are set forth in the brochures below.